Converting Cassava Waste into Organic Fertilizer for Sustainable Agriculture
Chulalongkorn University has developed an innovative solution to address the issue of agricultural waste from cassava production. With Thailand being a major cassava producer, the surplus waste poses environmental challenges. Professor Dr. Warawut Chulalaksananukul has spearheaded research to convert this waste into organic fertilizer, utilizing a combination of cassava waste and sewage sludge from tapioca starch factories.
The process involves fermentation and the addition of a special microbial inoculum blend to enhance nutrient levels essential for plant growth. The resulting organic fertilizer has been tested successfully on cassava crops in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, showing promising results and minimal cyanide content.
This organic fertilizer presents a sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers, reducing environmental pollution and improving soil quality. For more information, please visit the link here