Annop Nopharatana
Director of Pilot Plant Development and Training Institute , King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT)Dr. Annop Nopharatana currently serves as the Director of the Pilot Plant Development and Training Institute (PDTI). In this role, he plays a crucial part in knowledge and technology transfer to industries and the community. His main areas of interest revolve around biogas technology, agricultural waste utilization and anaerobic digestion of liquid and solid wastes. In 2002, the Thai Government initiated a demonstration project to promote biogas technology in agro-industries. Leading a team of researchers and engineers, Dr. Annop spearheaded the transfer of the Anaerobic Fixed Film Technology to four cassava starch factories. His responsibilities included designing and constructing industrial-scale biogas plants and providing technical consultation on anaerobic technology to these factories. Driven by his commitment to clean energy for agriculture and agro-industries, he continues to conduct research and facilitate technology transfer. Dr. Annop, both as a researcher and engineer, is dedicated to demonstrating the commercial viability and community benefits of biofuel technology as a renewable energy source. Additionally, his team at PDTI manages the bioethanol pilot plant, and utilizes it for training purposes.