
ACIAR Cassava Value Chain and Livelihood Program Stakeholder Workshop in Loas

In Laos, cassava is a crucial crop for both food security and income generation, particularly in rural areas where it serves as a staple food and a source of livelihood for many smallholder farmers. However, the cassava value chain faces challenges such as low productivity, limited market access, and inconsistent quality, hindering its full potential for economic development.

To address these challenges, the ACIAR Cassava Value Chain and Livelihood Program in Laos focuses on enhancing the cassava value chain through research, capacity building, and stakeholder collaboration. One key aspect is promoting improved agronomic practices to increase cassava yields and quality. This includes providing training and demonstrations on proper planting techniques, soil fertility management, and pest and disease control.

Another crucial component is strengthening market linkages and value addition along the cassava value chain. By connecting farmers to markets and facilitating the adoption of post-harvest technologies, the program aims to improve income opportunities for cassava growers. Value addition activities such as processing cassava into higher-value products like flour or starch also contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the sector.

Moreover, the program emphasizes the importance of gender inclusion and social empowerment in the cassava value chain. Women play significant roles in cassava production and processing, yet they often face barriers in accessing resources and decision-making processes. Through targeted interventions, such as women-focused training programs and promoting women's participation in farmer groups and cooperatives, the program seeks to empower women farmers and enhance their livelihoods.

Overall, the ACIAR Cassava Value Chain and Livelihood Program in Laos aims to transform the cassava sector into a more sustainable and inclusive value chain that benefits smallholder farmers, strengthens rural economies, and contributes to food security and poverty alleviation in the country.

Source: Lao PDR Cassava Industry Stakeholder Meeting – 6th March 2019 – ACIAR Cassava Value Chain and Livelihood Program