
Strengthening Cassava Resilience: ACIAR-backed Innovations in Disease-Free Planting Material Production

Cassava, a vital cash crop in Laos, faces significant threats from witches broom disease and cassava mosaic disease, jeopardizing its multi-billion-dollar industry. To combat these challenges, an ACIAR-supported high-tech facility, the Future Stems Centre, was established in Laos in 2021. This initiative, part of a 5-year, A$4 million project, aimed to produce and distribute disease-free cassava planting materials efficiently.

Led by Dr. Jonathan Newby of CIAT, the project employed rapid multiplication techniques to produce 125 stem cuttings per year from each plant, significantly enhancing production rates. Mrs. Soukphathay Simeuang, a tissue-culture technician at NAFRI, played a pivotal role in ensuring the cleanliness and disease-free status of the plantlets.

Cross-country collaboration was instrumental in the project's success, fostering knowledge exchange and facilitating the introduction of disease-resistant cassava varieties. Laos' strategic advantage of relative freedom from cassava mosaic disease enabled the establishment of a robust clean seed system.

Beyond infrastructure development, the project empowered local researchers and strengthened their capacity through knowledge sharing and skill enhancement. ACIAR's support enabled NAFRI to combat cassava diseases effectively, positioning it as a key player in regional collaboration for resilient agriculture.

Dr. Chanthakhone Boualaphanh, Deputy Director General of NAFRI, highlighted the importance of continued collaboration in addressing emerging challenges, underscoring the organization's commitment to innovation and preparedness for future adversities.
